July 22-25, 2025
Location TBA
Registration $85
Deadline: july 18, 2025
guidelines and packing list
Coming Soon
$50 Deposit and online app/recommendation form need to be turned in by end of day July 18th.

CALLED CAMP is an annual event available to Louisiana high school students. With CALLED, we strive to continue the legacy of training up young ministers by building a foundation that will serve them in their ministry, no matter where God calls them! We recognize that not all ministry occurs in the pulpit, that’s why we want students to develop a lasting relationship with Jesus and have tools to start impacting the lives of those around them now!
Students stay on-site with our staff for the duration of camp and each day students attend classes that cover both practical and intellectual topics such as: apologetics, sermon prep, evangelism, and discerning the voice of God. CALLED is truly an immersion experience in which the Holy Spirit calls and sets students apart for the kingdom of God!
If you find yourself asking if there is more or wondering what God has planned for your life please join us! Bring your all and leave with the assurance that you have a place in the Kingdom! We look forward to this week of encountering the Lord!